Esomeprazole 40mg+Domperidon 30(SR)
Esomeprazole+Domperidone is a mixture of two drugs namely Esomeprazole and Domperidone. Esomeprazole works by stopping an enzyme called gastric proton pump, which is responsible for the formation of acid in the stomach. Domperidone helps by boosting the movements and contractions of stomach muscles.
Esomeprazole+Domperidone is related to a category of gastrointestinal agents that help to cure gastroesophageal reflux disease, Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, and stomach ulcers. The stomach is mainly secured from acid by a mucous layer. Due to excess acid formation, the mucous layer gets dilapidated, which causes complications like GERD, acidity, peptic ulcers, and Zollinger-Ellison syndrome.
Direction To Use
Take this medicine when your healthcare professional prescribes you. Take the proper dose of medicine as prescribed by your healthcare professional. Swallow this medicine after having a meal. Never take this medicine on an empty stomach otherwise it creates problems for you.
Keep this medicine away from the children. Place this medicine cool and dry place. Don’t expose this medicine in front of the sunlight.
Side Effects
- Dry mouth
- Stomach pain
- Diarrhea
- Headache
- Flatulence
Take this medicine when your healthcare professional prescribes you. If you have any allergic issues from any of those drugs so inform your doctor otherwise, you will suffer from chronic diseases. If you suffer from any problem like kidney, liver, heart, or any other problem tell to your healthcare professional. The dose of this medicine will depend on your current health situation as observed by your doctor. Place this medicine away from the children this medicine creates a bad impact on your children’s health. If you are suffering from any side effects after taking this medicine ask your healthcare professional. If you stop taking this medicine before completing the treatment your infection may worsen.
Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)
Ques. What is the best time to take Domperidone+Esomeprazole medicine?
The best to take Domperidone+Esomeprazole medicine before the first meal of the day or on an empty stomach.
Ques. Can the use of Domperidone+Esomeprazole cause abnormal heartbeat?
Yes, the use of Domperidone+Esomeprazole can increase the risk of irregular heartbeat. This is a serious side effect but the chance that it may happen is very low. The risk may be slightly higher in those who are more than 60 years of age.